Board Norms
The members of the Gwinnett County Board of Education are committed to working together as a highly functioning governance team to provide a world-class public education that equitably meets the needs of all students in our district. They are focused on leading as a united governance team—duly elected Board of Education members and the Superintendent—each in their respective roles with strong collaboration and mutual trust.
In an effort to enhance the Board’s ability to focus on the business of the school district and to educate and communicate in a transparent manner, the Gwinnett School Board identified the need for the development and adoption of norms that reflect shared agreements and guidelines. The establishment of norms is a best practice of highly effective Boards… one that had not been addressed in the past by the Gwinnett County Board of Education.
In February of 2021, the governance team launched its work to build a cohesive team, learning about each other, the work of School Boards, and how they can best serve the children of Gwinnett County. The Board’s professional development program, facilitated by the Georgia School Boards Association, included the creation of Board norms that support interpersonal board development, cultivate a culture of respect and decorum, establish clear expectations, and provide a framework of stability that will guide the Board and its members now, and into the future. These norms were developed over a six-month period through a series of individual, small group, and large group learning that focused on established good Board practices. They reflect months of discussion and consensus building regarding the Board-Superintendent team and will guide the behavior and relationships of the governance team as it moves forward.
The Board’s norms supplement its policies, which exist to provide a code of ethics, structure, operating guidelines, general meeting parameters, and the basic roles and responsibilities of the School Board. The agreed-upon norms also embrace the Standards for Effective Governance of Georgia School Systems, which are approved by the State Board of Education. Those standards address the following domains: Governance, Strategic Planning, Board and Community Relations, Policy Development, Board Meetings, Personnel, Financial Governance, and Ethics.
Please note that there are some norms that will require policy or procedural changes. As a result, all norms may not be implemented at the time of adoption. For example, some norms related to Board meetings will need to be reflected in changes to Policy BCBI: Public Participation in Board Meetings. Any changes to current policy will be done in accordance with Policy BD: Policy Development, including the announcement of revisions, opportunities for public input, and discussion by the Board prior to approval.
- Governance Roles and Responsibilities
- Chain of Command
- Superintendent
- Decision-Making Process
- Board Meetings
- Communication among Board Members/Superintendent
- Communication with Staff
- Communication with Stakeholders/Community
- Communication with News Media
- Social Media
- School Visits
- Self-Assessment
- Strategic Planning