Students in the WBL program graduate from high school with real-world work experience. They leave high school with an advantage. That might include Office Certifications (Word, Excel, and/or Powerpoint), armed with work skills and community service/volunteer experience, a professional resume and career portfolio, interviewing skills, and the ability to make clear, well thought out decisions about their career aspirations. In addition to work experience, leadership development, and the opportunity to explore career and college options, at least 98% of WBL students (office aides and off-campus) receive multiple college acceptances and attend 2- and 4-year colleges and universities. Our students have taken HONORS and AP classes. Additionally, each year there are several honor graduates that complete the program. These students also actively participate in our nationally recognized Career and Technical Education Student Associations (DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, FEA,. Skills USA, and TSA).
Work-Based Learning Information
If you would like to learn more about partnering with schools in Gwinnett County and serve as a site for Work-Based Learning Interns, please contact the Office of Academies and Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education.
Office: 678-301-7050
Email: Tamia Robb, Coordinator