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(VIDEO) GCPS is proud to feature Our Blueprint in Action— an initiative aimed at showcasing tangible instances of Our Blueprint priorities and the Portrait of a Graduate's core competencies occurring consistently across our district. In January, we're highlighting the Peachtree Ridge and Parkview Clusters.
This week, GCPS welcomes a talented group of new educators at New Teacher Orientation. We can't wait to see you all in classrooms for an exciting school year, and we're thrilled to have you on Team GCPS!
The future is bright! Congratulations to the 2024 summer graduates who crossed the stage and received diplomas! We wish the Class of 2024 all the very best!
Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) is inviting parents and guardians, community members, and school district employees to apply for the GEMS Oversight Committee, a group of community and school system representatives charged with the annual review of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum standards. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 29, 2024. After the review, the committee recommends revisions and additions to the Superintendent for adoption by the Gwinnett County Board of Education. Committee members serve three-year terms.
Those interested in serving should complete the online application no later than August 9, 2024.
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from empathy to excellence
The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC®) awarded 12 Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) seniors 2024 National Merit Scholarships financed by U.S. colleges and universities.
Gwinnett County Public Schools’ (GCPS) newest educators will gather at a districtwide two-day event before the start of the new school year to learn about their new jobs and the support they will receive during their Gwinnett careers.
Gwinnett County Public Schools is pleased to announce a 0.1 millage rate reduction. As required by law, the Gwinnett County Board of Education (BOE) held three public hearings as part of its process for setting the millage rate.
澳洲幸运5最快号码官网-开奖结果-168澳洲5号码历史-, the North Gwinnett Co-Op, and Walmart are teaming up to provide school supplies to more than 700 families.
The Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) Engagement Office Team earned 12 awards in the 2024 National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) awards program, including eight Awards of Excellence.
During its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on June 20, 2024, the Gwinnett County Board of Education approved the appointment of five new principals.
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GCPS is the largest employer in Gwinnett County
GCPS counseling departments are RAMP National Award recipients
Nationally certified Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education programs
GCPS includes 81 elementary schools, 29 middle schools, 24 high schools, 7 special entities, and one charter school
GCPS is one of the best communities in the U.S. for music education
Tapestry is the largest K-12 Visual Arts exhibit in the state.
SOTA -- School of the Arts @ Central Gwinnett High School provides courses in art, dance, music, and theatre.
GCPS is home to a Music Teacher of the Year
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To sustain the legacy of the past in this exciting context, GCPS has developed a new strategic plan–Our Blueprint for the Future
education: the conditions under which each and every child receives what they need to develop to their full academic and social potential.