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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Book Mobile FAQs

During the school year Book Mobile program, do students keep the book or check it out? 

Students select one free book to keep and add to their personal library.

 May I donate physical books?

We accept new book donations only. The books will be reviewed according to GCPS standards. Please use this form to contact us before sending any donations to make sure the new, unused books fit our Book Mobile expectations.

 How can I sponsor an event for a particular group of kids?

Please use this form if you would like to sponsor a school visit.

 If I donate money toward the Book Mobile from my business, can the Book Mobile visit my business for a day?

At this time, only schools can book the bus for events. 

 Who do I contact if I have a question about the Book Mobile program?

For more information or questions, email or call 678.301.6431