Guide to Disciplinary Tribunals
Students learn about their responsibilities as good citizens throughout their school careers. As a good citizen, every student is expected to follow the rules of Gwinnett County Public Schools, as well as the laws of the county, the state, and the nation.
To ensure that all students are familiar with behavior expectations in our schools, each year, GCPS provides a current version of the Student Conduct Behavior Code for parents and students to read. When the school believes a student has violated the code and a long-term suspension or expulsion should be considered, the school refers the student to a disciplinary tribunal.
The following frequently asked questions will further explain this process.
- How does this process begin?
- Why a tribunal?
- Who attends the tribunal and what happens?
- What happens in the phases of a tribunal?
- What are the possible consequences?
- What is permanent expulsion?
- What if I have additional questions?
- How do I find the Office of Student Discipline?
- Who do I contact for support if I have additional questions and concerns regarding the tribunal process?