exchange simple information in the target language, using cultural references where appropriate
B - Communication: Interpersonal Mode - 2
demonstrate skills necessary to sustain exchanges in the target language
C - Communication: Interpretive Mode - 1
understand information on new and familiar topics presented in the target language through a variety of media, including authentic narratives and materials
D - Communication: Interpretive Mode - 2
comprehend signed and non-manual markers to understand simple messages in the target language
E - Communication: Presentational Mode - 1
present information that contains a variety of vocabulary, phrases, and patterns
F - Communication: Presentational Mode - 2
present brief, rehearsed material, such as dialogues, skits, and poetry, in the target language
G - Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products - 1
develop an awareness of perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures in which the target language is used
H - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities - 1
use information acquired in the study of the target language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another
I - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities - 2
demonstrate an understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between the culture studied and the student's own culture
J - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities - 3
develop a better understanding of the English language through a study of the target language
K - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities - 4
identify current events in the target culture
L - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities - 5
develop and apply target language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange simple information in the target language, using cultural references where appropriate
B - Communication: Interpersonal Mode - 2
demonstrate skills necessary to sustain exchanges in the target language
C - Communication: Interpretive Mode - 1
demonstrate an understanding of the target language through a variety of media and based on topics such as self, family, school, etc.
D - Communication: Interpretive Mode - 2
comprehend signed and non-manual markers to understand simple messages in the target language
E - Communication: Presentational Mode - 1
present information that contains a variety of vocabulary, phrases, and patterns
F - Communication: Presentational Mode - 2
present brief, rehearsed material, such as dialogues, skits, and poetry, in the target language
G - Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products - 1
develop an awareness of perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures in which the target language is used
H - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities - 1
use information acquired in the study of the target language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another
I - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities - 2
demonstrate an understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between the culture studied and the student's own culture
J - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities - 3
compare basic elements of the target language to the English language
K - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities - 4
demonstrate an awareness of current events in the target culture
L - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities - 5
identify situations and resources in which the target language skills and cultural knowledge may be applied beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal spoken conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in spoken conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal written conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice low to novice-mid level
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level of listening
understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level of reading
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
in speaking, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners achieving the novice-low level
in writing, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers achieving the novice-low level
D - Cultures
engage in cultural investigation and interaction; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the diverse cultures representing the target-language communities
E - Connections
connect language and cultural study with information learned in other school classes or disciplines, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies
investigate how language and cultural knowledge connect to college and career opportunities
F - Comparisons
investigate cultural comparisons; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own
investigate linguistic comparisons; explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one's own language
G - Communities
investigate how language and cultures studied are present in school, local, and global communities
investigate lifelong learning; set goals and reflect on progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal spoken conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in spoken conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal written conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice mid to novice-high level
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level of listening
understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level of reading
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
in speaking, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners achieving the novice-mid level
in writing, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers achieving the novice-mid level
D - Cultures
engage in cultural investigation and interaction; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the diverse cultures representing the target-language communities
E - Connections
connect language and cultural study with information learned in other school classes or disciplines, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies
investigate how language and cultural knowledge connect to college and career opportunities
F - Comparisons
investigate cultural comparisons; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own
investigate linguistic comparisons; explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one's own language
G - Communities
investigate how language and cultures studied are present in school, local, and global communities
investigate lifelong learning; set goals and reflect on progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement
exchange (with some originality and spontaneity) oral and written information and ideas in the target language
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
D - Culture
discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other disciplines
analyze similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
strengthen knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
discuss current events and issues in the target culture(s)
improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange a variety of oral and written information and ideas in the target language related to history, literature, contemporary events, and issues
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing, using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, history, and literature
combine and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of more complex spoken and written language on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present previously learned as well as newly acquired information on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues using cultural references where appropriate, in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, cultural nuances, history, the arts, and literature
integrate and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences and paragraphs
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to social and historical issues, political systems, the arts, and literature
apply vocabulary and other linguistic elements to produce original extended oral and written discourse
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present stories, poems, skits, short plays, and/or speeches in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
evaluate the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to social, philosophical and historical issues, regionalisms, traditions, the arts, and literature
produce original extended oral and written discourse
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present stories, poems, skits, short plays, and/or speeches in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
expand knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
evaluate the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal spoken conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in spoken conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal written conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice low to novice-mid level
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level of listening
understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level of reading
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
in speaking, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners achieving the novice-low level
in writing, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers achieving the novice-low level
D - Cultures
engage in cultural investigation and interaction; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the diverse cultures representing the target-language communities
E - Connections
connect language and cultural study with information learned in other school classes or disciplines, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies
investigate how language and cultural knowledge connect to college and career opportunities
F - Comparisons
investigate cultural comparisons; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own
investigate linguistic comparisons; explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one's own language
G - Communities
investigate how language and cultures studied are present in school, local, and global communities
investigate lifelong learning; set goals and reflect on progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal spoken conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in spoken conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal written conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice mid to novice-high level
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level of listening
understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level of reading
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
in speaking, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
in writing, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
D - Cultures
engage in cultural investigation and interaction; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the diverse cultures representing the target-language communities
E - Connections
connect language and cultural study with information learned in other school classes or disciplines, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies
investigate how language and cultural knowledge connect to college and career opportunities
F - Comparisons
investigate cultural comparisons; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own
investigate linguistic comparisons; explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one's own language
G - Communities
investigate how language and cultures studied are present in school, local, and global communities
investigate lifelong learning; set goals and reflect on progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement
exchange (with some originality and spontaneity) oral and written information and ideas in the target language
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
D - Culture
discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other disciplines
analyze similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
strengthen knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
discuss current events and issues in the target culture(s)
improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange a variety of oral and written information and ideas in the target language related to history, literature, contemporary events, and issues
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing, using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, history, and literature
combine and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of more complex spoken and written language on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present previously learned as well as newly acquired information on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues using cultural references where appropriate, in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, cultural nuances, history, the arts, and literature
integrate and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences and paragraphs
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to social and historical issues, political systems, the arts, and literature
apply vocabulary and other linguistic elements to produce original extended oral and written discourse
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present stories, poems, skits, short plays, and/or speeches in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
evaluate the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to social, philosophical and historical issues, regionalisms, traditions, the arts, and literature
produce original extended oral and written discourse
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present stories, poems, skits, short plays, and/or speeches in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
expand knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
evaluate the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal spoken conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in spoken conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal written conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice low to novice-mid level
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level of listening
understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level of reading
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
in speaking, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners achieving the novice-low level
in writing, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers achieving the novice-low level
D - Cultures
engage in cultural investigation and interaction; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the diverse cultures representing the target-language communities
E - Connections
connect language and cultural study with information learned in other school classes or disciplines, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies
investigate how language and cultural knowledge connect to college and career opportunities
F - Comparisons
investigate cultural comparisons; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own
investigate linguistic comparisons; explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one's own language
G - Communities
investigate how language and cultures studied are present in school, local, and global communities
investigate lifelong learning; set goals and reflect on progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal spoken conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in spoken conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal written conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice mid to novice-high level
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level of listening
understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level of reading
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
in speaking, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
in writing, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
D - Cultures
engage in cultural investigation and interaction; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the diverse cultures representing the target-language communities
E - Connections
connect language and cultural study with information learned in other school classes or disciplines, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies
investigate how language and cultural knowledge connect to college and career opportunities
F - Comparisons
investigate cultural comparisons; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own
investigate linguistic comparisons; explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one's own language
G - Communities
investigate how language and cultures studied are present in school, local, and global communities
investigate lifelong learning; set goals and reflect on progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement
exchange (with some originality and spontaneity) oral and written information and ideas in the target language
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
D - Culture
discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other disciplines
analyze similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
strengthen knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
discuss current events and issues in the target culture(s)
improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange a variety of oral and written information and ideas in the target language related to history, literature, contemporary events, and issues
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing, using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, history, and literature
combine and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of more complex spoken and written language on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present previously learned as well as newly acquired information on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues using cultural references where appropriate, in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, cultural nuances, history, the arts, and literature
integrate and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences and paragraphs
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to social and historical issues, political systems, the arts, and literature
apply vocabulary and other linguistic elements to produce original extended oral and written discourse
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present stories, poems, skits, short plays, and/or speeches in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
evaluate the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to social, philosophical and historical issues, regionalisms, traditions, the arts, and literature
produce original extended oral and written discourse
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present stories, poems, skits, short plays, and/or speeches in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
expand knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
evaluate the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal spoken conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in spoken conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal written conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice low to novice-mid level
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level of listening
understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level of reading
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
in speaking, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners achieving the novice-low level
in writing, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers achieving the novice-low level
D - Cultures
engage in cultural investigation and interaction; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the diverse cultures representing the target-language communities
E - Connections
connect language and cultural study with information learned in other school classes or disciplines, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies
investigate how language and cultural knowledge connect to college and career opportunities
F - Comparisons
investigate cultural comparisons; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own
investigate linguistic comparisons; explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one's own language
G - Communities
investigate how language and cultures studied are present in school, local, and global communities
investigate lifelong learning; set goals and reflect on progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal spoken conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in spoken conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal written conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice mid to novice-high level
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level of listening
understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level of reading
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
in speaking, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners achieving the novice-mid level
in writing, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers achieving the novice-mid level
D - Cultures
engage in cultural investigation and interaction; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the diverse cultures representing the target-language communities
E - Connections
connect language and cultural study with information learned in other school classes or disciplines, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies
investigate how language and cultural knowledge connect to college and career opportunities
F - Comparisons
investigate cultural comparisons; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own
investigate linguistic comparisons; explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one's own language
G - Communities
investigate how language and cultures studied are present in school, local, and global communities
investigate lifelong learning; set goals and reflect on progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement
exchange (with some originality and spontaneity) oral and written information and ideas in the target language
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
D - Culture
discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other disciplines
analyze similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
strengthen knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
discuss current events and issues in the target culture(s)
improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange a variety of oral and written information and ideas in the target language related to history, literature, contemporary events, and issues
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing, using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, history, and literature
combine and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of more complex spoken and written language on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present previously learned as well as newly acquired information on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues using cultural references where appropriate, in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, cultural nuances, history, the arts, and literature
integrate and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences and paragraphs
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to social and historical issues, political systems, the arts, and literature
apply vocabulary and other linguistic elements to produce original extended oral and written discourse
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present stories, poems, skits, short plays, and/or speeches in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
evaluate the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to social, philosophical and historical issues, regionalisms, traditions, the arts, and literature
produce original extended oral and written discourse
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present stories, poems, skits, short plays, and/or speeches in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
expand knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
evaluate the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
write simple phrases and sentences in Latin as part of the process for understanding written Latin
read passages aloud with proper intonation and rhythm
read authentic and edited passages appropriate for Latin I
comprehend spoken Latin phrases, quotations, and expressions
B - Culture
demonstrate an understanding of perspectives, practices, and products of the Greco-Roman culture
interpret cultural practices of the Romans
C - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and further the knowledge of other disciplines through the study of Latin
identify situations and resources in which Latin skills and cultural knowledge may be applied beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
acquire information and recognize distinctive viewpoints via the study of Latin and the Greco- Roman civilization
read and translate passages, edited and authentic, containing grammar and syntax appropriate for Latin II
read Latin passages aloud with accurate pronunciation, proper intonation, and rhythm
comprehend spoken Latin phrases, quotations, and expressions
write increasingly complex phrases and sentences in Latin as a part of the process for understanding written Latin
provide accurately written translations by applying more complex concepts and specialized vocabulary appropriate for Latin II
B - Culture
discuss the perspectives, practices, and products of the Greco-Roman culture
identify contributions of the Roman culture
C - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
recognize and use elements of Latin to increase knowledge of English
improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
acquire information from reading passages in order to draw connections between modern and classical civilizations
use information acquired through the study of Latin to correlate with other subject areas
comprehend spoken Latin phrases, quotations, and expressions
read Latin passages aloud with accurate pronunciation, proper intonation, and rhythm
read authentic passages with supporting notes and commentary appropriate for Advanced Latin
demonstrate mastery of advanced grammar topics and rhetorical/poetic devices
B - Culture
analyze the contributions of Roman culture to other civilizations
describe and discuss the perspectives, practices, and products of Roman culture
C - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
reinforce and expand the knowledge of other disciplines through the study of the Latin language
use elements of the Latin language and literature to gain added knowledge of English
read passages in order to compare and contrast contemporary culture with the Roman world
conduct brief oral and written exchanges in the target language
exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in the target language
demonstrate understanding of simple spoken and written language presented through a variety of media in the target language, based on a variety of topics
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing containing a variety of vocabulary, phrases, and patterns
present briefly rehearsed material in the target language
D - Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products
identify perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures where the target language is spoken
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
discuss the significance of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and the students' own culture
use information acquired in the study of the target language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another
compare basic elements of the target language to the English language
recognize current events in the target cultures
identify situations and resources in which target language skills and cultural knowledge may be applied beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
conduct oral and written exchanges in the target language
exchange oral and written information in the target language
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present rehearsed and unrehearsed material in the target language (e.g., skits, poems, short narratives, and songs)
present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns
D - Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products
identify perspectives, practices, and products of the culture where the target language is spoken and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
develop and apply target language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
recognize and use elements of the target language to increase knowledge of English
discuss similarities and differences between the cultures studied and the students' own culture
identify current events and issues in the target culture
use information acquired in the study of the target language to reinforce and correlate with other subject areas
exchange (with some originality and spontaneity) oral and written information and ideas in the target language
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
D - Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products
discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
discuss current events and issues in the target cultures
improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
strengthen knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other disciplines
analyze similarities and differences that exist within and among the cultures studied
exchange a variety of oral and written information and ideas in the target language related to history, literature, contemporary events, and issues
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
C - Communication: Presentational Mode)
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
present information orally and in writing, using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
D - Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the cultures studied
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
combine and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, history, and literature
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
demonstrate comprehension of more complex spoken and written language on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present previously learned as well as newly acquired information on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues using cultural references where appropriate, in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products
describe and discuss the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the cultures studied
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text
read and comprehend literature, including stories, legends, and poems
read and evaluate the arguments and supporting evidence of informational text
determine a theme or central idea of text and closely analyze its development over the course of a text
B - Writing
write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately
use technology, including the Internet, to produce writing Abide by ethical and lawful copyright guidelines
write for a range of tasks and purposes
write summaries of literary and informational texts
produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events
conduct short research projects to answer questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation
develop writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, and rewriting
C - Speaking and Listening
use digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding
participate effectively in collaborative discussions (e.g., one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with partners on a variety of topics, texts, and issues
present information and findings clearly, concisely, and logically
adapt speech to a variety of contexts, tasks, and points of view
D - Language
develop vocabulary in speaking, reading, and writing contexts to promote conversation, discussions, reading comprehension, and short essay writings
begin to use appropriate conventions of standard Spanish grammar and usage when writing or speaking
determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
use appropriate conventions of standard Spanish capitalization, punctuation, accentuation, and spelling when writing
E - Culture and Connections
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
investigate the similarities that exist within and among Spanish-speaking cultures
identify and describe perspectives, practices, and products of Hispanic cultures
analyze an author's point of view and its impact on the text
determine and discuss a theme or central idea of text and closely analyze its development over the course of a text
determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative meanings
analyze informational text to determine what is explicit as well as inferred
compare and contrast a variety of literature, including stories and poems
B - Writing
develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, and rewriting
produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
conduct short, as well as more sustained, research projects to answer questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation
write increasingly detailed narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events
write for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences
write summaries and analyses of literary and informational texts
use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products. Abide by ethical and lawful copyright guidelines
write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately
C - Speaking and Listening
present detailed information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically
adapt speech to a variety of contexts, tasks, and points of view demonstrating command of standard Spanish
initiate and participate effectively in collaborative discussions (e.g., one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with partners on a variety of topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own
use a variety of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding
D - Language
demonstrate command of the conventions of standard Spanish grammar and usage when writing or speaking
demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression
demonstrate command of the conventions of standard Spanish capitalization, punctuation, accentuation, and spelling when writing
determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
E - Culture and Connections
investigate the similarities and differences that exist within and among Spanish-speaking cultures
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
identify, describe, and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of Hispanic cultures
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the Spanish language
analyze multiple interpretations of a variety of literature, including stories, dramas, and poems
determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative meanings
analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story, drama, or informational text
analyze informational text to determine what is explicit as well as inferred
integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats
determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and closely analyze their development over the course of the text
cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from a text
B - Writing
develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, and rewriting
write for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences
write analyses of literary and informational texts using valid reasoning, in addition to relevant and sufficient evidence
write increasingly detailed narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events
conduct sustained research projects to answer questions and solve problems, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation
write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately
produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products
C - Speaking and Listening
use a variety of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding
initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (e.g., one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with partners on a variety of topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own
present detailed information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically appropriate to the audience and task
adapt speech to a variety of contexts, tasks, and points of view demonstrating command of standard Spanish
D - Language
determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression
demonstrate command of the conventions of standard Spanish grammar and usage when writing or speaking
demonstrate command of the conventions of standard Spanish capitalization, punctuation, accentuation, and spelling when writing
E - Culture and Connections
investigate the similarities and differences that exist within and among Spanish-speaking cultures
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the Spanish language
identify, describe, and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of Hispanic cultures
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal spoken conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in spoken conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal written conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice low to novice-mid level
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level of listening
understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-low to novice-mid level of reading
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
in speaking, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners achieving the novice-low level
in writing, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers achieving the novice-low level
D - Cultures
engage in cultural investigation and interaction; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the diverse cultures representing the target-language communities
E - Connections
connect language and cultural study with information learned in other school classes or disciplines, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies
investigate how language and cultural knowledge connect to college and career opportunities
F - Comparisons
investigate cultural comparisons; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own
investigate linguistic comparisons; explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one's own language
G - Communities
investigate how language and cultures studied are present in school, local, and global communities
investigate lifelong learning; set goals and reflect on progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal spoken conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in spoken conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
exchange information and ideas in both formal and informal written conversations; interact and negotiate meaning in written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions, achieving the novice mid to novice-high level
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level of listening
understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics, achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level of reading
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
in speaking, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
in writing, present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers achieving the novice-mid to novice-high level
D - Cultures
engage in cultural investigation and interaction; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the diverse cultures representing the target-language communities
E - Connections
connect language and cultural study with information learned in other school classes or disciplines, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies
investigate how language and cultural knowledge connect to college and career opportunities
F - Comparisons
investigate cultural comparisons; use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own
investigate linguistic comparisons; explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one's own language
G - Communities
investigate how language and cultures studied are present in school, local, and global communities
investigate lifelong learning; set goals and reflect on progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement
exchange (with some originality and spontaneity) oral and written information and ideas in the target language
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
D - Culture
discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other disciplines
analyze similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
strengthen knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
discuss current events and issues in the target culture(s)
improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange a variety of oral and written information and ideas in the target language related to history, literature, contemporary events, and issues
initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present information orally and in writing, using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic material in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, history, and literature
combine and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of more complex spoken and written language on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand more complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
present previously learned as well as newly acquired information on topics related to contemporary, historical, and literary events and issues using cultural references where appropriate, in increasingly complex sentences
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of the connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to contemporary events, cultural nuances, history, the arts, and literature
integrate and extend known elements and conversational input to create sentences and paragraphs
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, skits, and/or short plays in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
analyze the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to social and historical issues, political systems, the arts, and literature
apply vocabulary and other linguistic elements to produce original extended oral and written discourse
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present stories, poems, skits, short plays, and/or speeches in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss in the target language perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
evaluate the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes
exchange oral and written information and ideas in the target language on topics related to social, philosophical and historical issues, regionalisms, traditions, the arts, and literature
produce original extended oral and written discourse
B - Communication: Interpretive Mode
demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex spoken and written communication in the target language presented through a variety of media, including authentic materials
interpret verbal and nonverbal cues to understand increasingly complex spoken and written messages in the target language
C - Communication: Presentational Mode
synthesize vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in extended oral and written discourse
present stories, poems, skits, short plays, and/or speeches in the target language
D - Culture
describe and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the culture(s) studied and how they are interrelated
E - Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
expand knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas
evaluate the similarities and differences that exist within and among the culture(s) studied
expand knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of linguistic elements of the target language
apply language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes