Should you become disabled, you will be entitled to a monthly income equal to one-twelfth of sixty percent (60%) of your Earnings in the calendar year preceding your Disability, or 60% of your monthly earnings in the last month preceding your Disability, whichever is greater. Disability Income Benefits will be the amounts necessary, when added to benefits available under other plans, to provide the 60% benefit level.
Other plans include the Teachers Retirement System of Georgia, the Public School Employees Retirement System of Georgia, workers’ compensation, Social Security, and any successors thereto. You must first apply for benefits from such other plans. If you do not apply for benefits from another plan for which you could be eligible, no Disability Income Benefits are payable or will accrue under the Plan.
Disability Income Benefits will begin on the first day of the month following the completion of the last of the following conditions
- You must have completed a leave of absence lasting 180 consecutive days from the first day you were absent from employment based on your disability.
- You must have been determined to meet the Plan's definition of Disability.
- You must have exhausted all other paid absence benefits, including short-term disability payments, sick leave payments, and paid vacation.