- GCPS News
Gwinnett County Public Schools is pleased to announce a 0.1 millage rate reduction. As required by law, the Gwinnett County Board of Education (BOE) held three public hearings as part of its process for setting the millage rate. The first hearing was held on July 3 at 6 p.m. The second and third public hearings took place on July 10 at 11:00 a.m. and 6 p.m. All the public hearings took place in the Board Room at the J. Alvin Wilbanks Instructional Support Center, located at 437 Old Peachtree Road NW in Suwanee.
At its June 20, 2024, meeting, the BOE adopted its Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and tentatively adopted a reduced millage rate to support the budget. During the budget-setting process, the Board supported lowering the millage rate for Maintenance and Operations (M&O) by 0.1 mills. The millage rates will be 19.10 for Maintenance and Operations (M&O) and 1.45 for the debt service rate. Funds generated by the M&O millage pay for the day-to-day operations of the school system, including employee salaries, instructional materials, student transportation, and school utility costs. The debt service rate is used to pay down the School Board’s long-term debt from bond referenda passed over the years to pay for school construction.
In order to keep the local tax digest current, the Gwinnett County Tax Assessor’s Office conducts annual property value updates (reassessments) on a rotating basis. By state law, local taxing authorities, such as the BOE, must either keep their tax collections revenue-neutral (by decreasing the millage rate to offset the gained taxes from the property value updates) or announce a tax increase (even if the actual millage rate is decreasing or remaining the same). The total millage will still generate more revenue for FY2025, requiring the announcement of a proposed property tax increase. However, taxpayers whose property values have not increased due to reassessment will see no increase in their school tax bill.
The budget provides investments in the areas of compensation, school safety, school-based resources, instructional materials, multilingual and literacy program support, college and career readiness, and early learning. Gwinnett County Public Schools’ enrollment for next school year is projected to be more than 182,700 students.
A copy of the budget is available for public review on the school system’s website www.gcpsk12.org or through the school system’s Budget Department. For more information, call 678-301-6200.