Problem Solving
SEL Competency: Self- Management, Responsible Decision Making
Frequent Use Strategy
Problem-Solving engages students with the AKS through a relevant problem or challenge in order to develop knowledge and skills and to deepen understanding and application in familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
When using Problem-Solving, the teacher will explicitly model the problem-solving process through think-alouds, written expressions, and nonverbal representation to justify thinking, understanding, and reasoning. When effectively applying the Problem-Solving strategy, teachers will strategically ask probing questions, monitor students’ progress, formatively assess student learning, and give timely and specific feedback.
Students will engage in the problem-solving process by making predictions, conducting research, collecting evidence, and developing solutions.
Problem-Solving is not isolated from the AKS as a separate event or an extension of the learning. It is not a culminating project, teacher-directed, or contrived. Problem-Solving is most effective when it is student-centered and requires students to develop deep understanding as they synthesize, evaluate, and/ or create something new to demonstrate their learning of the AKS.
Look Fors
Teacher Behaviors to Promote SEL Competencies
- Create structures in the classroom where students feel included and appreciated by their peers and teachers.
- Demonstrate care and concern for students and follow up when they have a problem or concern (academic or nonacademic).
- Act in ways in which students know that taking risks and asking questions are safe in the classroom.
- Challenge students with academic rigor, but, in order for them to be successful with this challenge, know what students are capable of doing academically and know how they will respond to challenging work.
Student Behaviors to Develop SEL Competencies
- Identify problems and create solutions.
- Address problems and conflicts in a manner that will result in positive outcomes (i.e., win-win solutions).
- Express frustration respectfully and constructively.
Model Lessons
Effect of Temperature on Solubility Students will analyze graphs, read texts and discuss thinking through a Say Something protocol to develop the ability to respond to a problem based scenario in writing. |
Qualitative Graphs: Heart Rate Monitoring Students will describe the relationship between two quantities and sketch a graph that shows features of a function that has been described verbally. |
Simplifying Expressions: Justified True/False Statements The students will draw upon mathematical concepts and procedures to analyze their validity. |
In this video, the teacher models how to analyze a pattern to extend. The teacher provides the opportunity to share their thinking on patterns. |
In this video, the students are engaged in an activating strategy where they are engage in a problem and asked to share their findings. Students also exchange ideas to support the understanding of the problems. |
In this video, the teacher engages students in a problem-solving task to start the learning for the math AKS |
In this video, the teacher provides a framework the next steps in the learning for students to collaborate with peers. |
In this video, the teacher monitors students as they work collaboratively to evaluate and communicate their findings for a math concept. |
All QPTS Tools
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