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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Risk Management

Risk Management works with employees who have on the job incidents. Click the link to be directed to our incident reporting site, Origami. This link is for GCPS personnel that report any incidents to our Risk Management department.

Click here to report an incident through Origami.

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Risk Management Department is to encourage the effective management of risk by being a catalyst for discussion and solutions-oriented collaborative action to advance the vision, mission, and priorities of Gwinnett County Public Schools.

  • Risk Management conducts activities to help manage the impact of loss or other uncertainty to the organization.
  • Risk Management is responsible for property and casualty insurance programs for the entire school district.
  • Staff Adjusters respond to liability claims from members of the public and manage workers' compensation claims, working closely with injured employees from the time of injury until resolution.
  • Risk Management partners with staff in schools and other departments to answer insurance questions, investigate accidents and make safety recommendations to create the safest possible learning and working environment for our students and staff. 
  • Conduct risk assessments to define and analyze possible risks that could affect the organization's efficiency.
  • Develop and implement policies and contingency plans to reduce and control risks and liabilities for the organization.

Contact Us

Origami Risk Management Incident Reporting