School Nutrition Program (SNP) Information
As a partner in education, the school system’s School Nutrition Program contributes to a successful academic experience and encourages a lifetime of healthy eating by providing each student with the affordable opportunity to consume meals that are nutritious, appealing, and served by caring professionals in a pleasant environment.
For elementary students, a student breakfast costs $1.50 and a student lunch is $2.25. Free and reduced-price meals also are available. Qualifications and/or application procedures for free and reduced meals are available at the local school or on the School Nutrition Program's webpage. You may pay for meals at the school, or you may place money in your child’s account using check or credit card by going to
GCPS uses the following procedure regarding school meal charges.
- Elementary school students will be allowed to charge up to $11.25.
- Charges are not allowed for supplemental or a la carte
- Once the charge limit has been met, the student may receive a designated alternate meal at no charge as defined by the School Nutrition Program.
- A charge notice will be completed for each occurrence and notification will be sent home to the parent/guardian through the student.
- Additionally, once the charge limit has been met the parent/guardian will be notified by the local school via phone call and/or email.
- Charging for meals will not be allowed after April 30.
- The charge policy will be communicated to parents and students via the Handbook Information for Students and Families, SNP and local school websites, and letter.
Refunds from the School Nutrition Program may be processed at the local school level up to $50. Any refund over $50 shall be processed through the SNP Central Office by submitting a Refund Request Form.