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Gwinnett County Public Schools
Steam (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math): Where Great Minds Thrive

Teach STEAM at GCPS to help students explore, and improve, the world around them.

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Teach Steam

STEAM-related jobs are the fastest-growing sector in our economy, and Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) is preparing our students to capitalize on this opportunity. The STEAM program at GCPS offers students a hands-on way to become engaged in their education and discover the practical uses of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics in the real world.

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two girls looking at a 3D molecular model in their hands

STEAM Has 5 Es? Sure Does.

a female and male student watching their teacher add cheical from one container to another

Success in STEAM-related careers begins with a
proven, five-step approach to maximizing results for both teachers and students.

From the beginning, teachers establish learning goals, context for the lessons, and their 
application to the real world.

Students are engaged in guided practice and collaborative work.

Teachers model processes, strategies, and expectations for student work.

Students continue practicing at the appropriate level while the teacher provides differentiated 

Students share and reflect upon their results while the teacher gathers data to guide future 

Steam Spotlight

"It has been my experience that when learning isn’t genuinely engaging for students, they either ignore it or endure it. The single most inspiring difference in the teachers I admire is the engagement of their students— they love coming to school, never want to leave, and achieve beyond what they ever have as a result. Excellence means not only measurable learning of standards, but also connecting those AKS (Academic Knowledge and Skills) to students’ curiosity and to what is naturally fascinating about the world. It means learning the AKS and being excited that you did. It means experiencing the AKS instead of receiving them."

Doug Doblar


Nationally Acclaimed. Incredibly Diverse.

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