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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Welcome to Our Online Registration System

The system will allow parents to register their students online safely and efficiently. This guide provides helpful tips for the student enrollment process.

Step 1: Information Needed

You will be asked to enter the following information:

  • Mailing Address: if different from your home address
  • Alternate Address: if the student will be riding the bus to or from an address other than your home address
  • Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number: you may add up to 4 contacts (Note: Someone other than a parent should be listed as an emergency contact.)
  • Parent/Guardian Phone Numbers: home, cell, and work
  • Parent E-mail Address: e-mail address, if available
  • Student Birth Certificate: you may need this document
  • Student Social Security Number: student's social security number
  • Health Conditions: allergies, asthma, etc.
  • Parent Employer: name, address, and phone number
  • Doctor: Name and phone number
  • Dentist: Name and phone number

Step 2: Active E-mail Address

The Online Registration System requires that parents have an ACTIVE e-mail address. If you do not have an e-mail account, it is easy to create one.

Below are three sites and providers that are frequently used and are free of charge.
(You do not have to use one of these providers. These are just suggestions)

Step 3: Register Your Student 

You can access the Online Registration link by visiting your school's website and following the link for registration or by going to New Student Enrollment.

Important reminder: Make sure that you select the 2024-2025 school year when completing the registration process. (See Step 5 for more detailed information.)

Step 4: Create a New Account

  • When selecting the I am a new parent to GCPS enrolling a new student link, you will be instructed to create a new parent account.
    • Read the Privacy Statement and click I Accept.
    • ParentAccountActivation-Privacy Statement
    • Enter the parent's First Name, Last Name, and Email Address.
    • Re-enter the Email Address and type the characters as they appear.
    • Click Continue to Step 3.
      Parent Account Activation - Step 2
      Parent Account Activation - complete account

    • You will receive an e-mail to complete the account creation process. Click on the link in the email to create your password.
      Parent Account Activation - Email


    • Your email address should already be populated.
    • Enter a password and re-enter the same password to confirm.
    • Click Save and Continue.

Parent Account Activation - create password



ParentVUE Login


Step 5: Begin Online Registration

  • Select the Online Registration tab (top right corner of screen).
2023-24 New Student Registration Guide online registration


  • Select one of the following Online Registration options:
    • 2023-2024 School Year (Ending in May 2024):
      • 2023-2024 GCPS Registration (Attending in Person)
      • 2023-2024 Gwinnett Online Campus School Registration (for GOC registration only)
    • 2024-2025 School Year (Beginning in August 2024):
      • 2024-2025 GCPS Registration (Attending in Person)
      • 2024-2025 Gwinnett Online Campus School Registration (for GOC registration only)
      • 2024-2025 North Metro Academy of Performing Arts Registration
      • 2024-2025 Pre-K Registration (Confirmed Students Only). Confirmed students are students who have applied via the lottery process and have received an e-mail confirming acceptance into the Pre-K program.
Step 3 of the Online Registration System process


  • Select Exclude Older Siblings if appropriate. (You will use this option, if you are using an Existing ParentVUE Account and have students currently enrolled for 2023-2024.) If you are registering a kindergartner with older siblings who are displayed in the Student Tab, you will need to exclude these older siblings from this 2024-2025 registration submission. (See example on the right.) To exclude these older siblings, click on the Exclude button for each student. 
  • Click the Add Student button to add your student. Complete all the information, following the prompts.
  • Submit when finished.


2023-24_New_Student_Registration_Guide_Select Exclude Older Siblings


2023-24 New Student Registration Guide-Add Student


2023-24 New Student Registration Guide-Submit

Step 6: What to Bring for Registration

When you visit your child's school to complete registration, please take any documents that were not uploaded to the school to complete your student's enrollment:

  • Your child
  • An official document showing proof of birth date
  • Proof that you live in attendance zone
  • A valid Georgia certificate of immunization (GA Form #3231)
  • Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300-Rev. 2013)
  • A photo ID for adult registering the child
  • Proof of authorized person to enroll
  • Child's social security number (or you may decline to provide this information)
  • Report cards or official school transcript (current K-12 student)
  • Withdrawal form from previous school (current K-12 student)
  • Discipline records (students enrolling in grades 7-12)

For more information about Kindergarten Registration, visit the Kindergarten Registration page.