West Zone
Darryl Alleyne
- Officer - Norcross Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Pickneyville MS
- darryl.alleyne@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 447-2609
Jessica Alleyne
- Officer - Meadowcreek Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Radloff MS
- jessica.alleyne@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 279-6445
Sgt. Judd Austin
- Supervisor - Berkmar and Meadowcreek Clusters
- Safety and Security
- Berkmar and Meadowcreek Clusters
- judd.austin@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 344-6775
Tommy Barnett
- Officer - Berkmar Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Corley ES
- tommy.barnett@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 806-7883
Jay Brewer
- Officer - Norcross Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Norcross HS
- jay.brewer@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 453-2098
Josh Brown
- Officer - Berkmar Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Berkmar MS
- josh.brown@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 279-6400
Amanda Carter
- Officer - Meadowcreek Cluster
- Safety and Security
- McClure Health Science HS
- amanda.carter@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 806-7945
Ronetta Coates
- Officer - Meadowcreek Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Meadowcreek HS
- ronetta.coates@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 806-7847
Melissa Coursin
- Officer - Norcross Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Peachtree ES
- melissa.coursin@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 417-2465
Kip Cruce
- Officer - Norcross Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Paul Duke STEM HS
- kip.cruce@gcpsk12.org
- (470) 323-3603
Barbra Fortson
- Officer - Duluth Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Coleman MS
- barbra.fortson@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 407-7427
Juan Guardado
- Officer - Berkmar Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Berkmar HS
- juan.guardado@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 806-8912
Robert Hill
- Officer - Meadowcreek Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Meadowcreek HS
- robert.g.hill@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 806-7855
Josh Hollis
- Officer - Meadowcreek Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Rockbridge ES
- joshua.hollis@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 806-7847
Jeremy Kozma
- Officer - Norcross Cluster
- Safety and Security
- jeremy.kozma@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 246-5339
Cristian Lemos
- Officer - Norcross Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Norcross HS
- cristian.lemos@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 447-2659
Bethany Lewis
- Officer - Duluth Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Duluth MS
- bethany.lewis@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 814-4764
Brent Logan
- Officer - Duluth Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Duluth HS
- brent.logan@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 495-5486
Michelle McAllister
- Officer - Berkmar Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Sweetwater MS
- michelle.mcallister@gcpsk12.org
- (678) 380-7231
Brendon Pix
- Officer - Duluth Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Duluth HS
- brendon.pix@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 232-3350
Sgt. Andrew Richard
- Supervisor - Duluth and Norcross Clusters
- Safety and Security
- Beaver Ridge ES
- andrew.richard@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 582-7566
Kimberly Riddle
- Officer - Duluth Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Harris ES
- kimberly.riddle@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 232-5381
Scott Schunk
- Officer - Norcross Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Summerour MS
- scott.schunk@gcpsk12.org
- (770) 326-8096
Jonathan Simms
- Officer - Berkmar Cluster
- Safety and Security
- Berkmar HS
- jonathan.simms@gcpsk12.org
- (470) 266-7343
Ken Smolarsky
- Officer - Meadowcreek Cluster
- Safety and Security
- ken.smolarsky@gcpsk12.org