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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Wraparound Services

Office of Health and Social Services

Vacant, LCSW
Wraparound Social Worker



The Gwinnett County Public School’s Wraparound Services is dedicated to promoting and enhancing the overall academic mission by alleviating learning barriers and assessing the needs of students, families, and schools and implementing direct case services, crisis intervention services, and advocacy support. The Wraparound Social Worker supports school social workers by collaborating with community organizations in order to provide intervention resources.

The Wraparound Social Worker serves as the link between families and community resources. The Wraparound Social Worker eliminates barriers to resources that promote academic success for all students by:

  • Reviewing and analyzing data reports from community partners
  • Updating and disseminating the Student Services Community Resource Catalog
  • Facilitating meetings with current and future community partners
  • Establishing new partnerships between community organizations and the Office of Health and Social Service

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