Alliance for a Healthier Generation (AHG)
AHG Product Navigator
How do you know if a food item is Smart Snack compliant? Using the product's ingredient list and Nutrition Facts Panel, plug the information into the Smart Snack Calculator.
Smart Snack Calculator
AHG Celebration Ideas
It’s important to provide consistent messaging around foods and beverages throughout the school day. Promoting healthy options during meal or snack times while allowing unhealthy options during celebrations can confuse youth. Help students associate celebrations with healthy habits rather than unhealthy options, and associate healthy activities with celebrations rather than unhealthy consumption.
AHG Alternative Fundraising Ideas
Continue to raise much needed funds for your school while reinforcing the healthy eating habits you teach your students. Healthy fundraising options make it possible to raise revenue while not undermining the healthy habits students are developing that will remain with them through their lives.
AHG Non-Food Rewards
Student rewards come in many different forms on campus. Rewards could be a classroom pizza party or something as small as a piece of candy for a correct answer. Using food as a reward can contribute to the development of unhealthy habits that stick with our children for life. Food, even healthy foods, should never be used as a reward or reinforcement for students.
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