Fine Arts, K-12
Students enrolled in Gwinnett County Public Schools' Fine Arts (GCPS) programs receive quality instruction in dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts. The Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) represents the GCPS standards of excellence for all Fine Arts students and scaffold from grade to grade, ensuring that students are immersed in arts experiences.
Gwinnett County Public Schools' Fine Arts students participate in numerous local, statewide, regional, national, and international festivals and competitions, and are known for their excellent performance standards. The continued enthusiasm and support of the central and local level administrators, community, parents, and students enable the GCPS Fine Arts programs to achieve world-class standards and to remain an essential element in a complete educational program.
Elementary School
Music and visual arts instruction is provided for all elementary students on a regular basis. Certified art and music specialists direct the programs in elementary schools. Many schools have choruses, recorder ensembles, and art clubs that provide an outlet for talented and motivated students. Theater Arts and Dance are offered at some elementary schools across the district.
Middle School
Art, general music, music technology, dance, guitar, and drama programs are “connection” classes which are offered to middle school students. Band, chorus, and orchestra classes are performance ensembles which are also offered to middle school students. Certified teachers direct all Fine Arts programs, and students are instructed based on the adopted AKS for these programs.
High School
Dance, instrumental and choral music, music technology, theatre arts, and visual arts are elective Fine Arts courses at the high school level. Offerings at both beginning and advanced levels are provided at all schools based on the needs and interests of the students, with appropriate AKS instruction for each course.
Academic Knowledge and Skills
The AKS for Fine Arts instruction uniquely embraces a performance- and standards-based curriculum that is sequential and developmentally appropriate for all learners. All areas and grade levels have revised AKS documents that are correlated with the system adopted core textbooks and resources, and the state curriculum. Working within the AKS framework, each school designs its programs to meet the unique needs of its own students.
A variety of classroom and teacher assessments is used to determine what students know and can do based on the AKS for that level. Teacher assessment for the Fine Arts classes includes computer-generated tests from the item bank databases, paper-and-pencil tests, portfolios, and authentic assessments including periodic performance tasks. End-of-semester exams at the high school level assess each student’s progress in all skill areas. Student success is further promoted through statewide auditions, evaluations, and exhibitions.
David Dubose
(678) 301-7015
Teaching and Learning Assistant
(678) 301-7015