Our vision is to provide all students with a comprehensive, diverse, and world-class fine arts education. Our mission is to provide exemplary arts instruction by industry leading fine arts professionals.
Students enrolled in Fine Arts programs of Gwinnett County Public Schools receive quality instruction in dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts. The Fine Arts will be an essential and integral part of the instructional program and will be accessible to all students K-12. All students will be expected to demonstrate competence in the production, analysis, and evaluation of at least one art form and have an understanding of the contribution of all art forms to world cultures. Our Fine Arts curriculum is based on a community endorsed, quality, and comprehensive Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum which incorporates current technology. The AKS represents the GCPS standards of excellence for all fine arts students.
Our Certified and Highly Qualified Fine Arts Teachers engage in continuous improvement of their content knowledge and serve as industry leaders. Gwinnett County Public Schools' Fine Arts students participate in numerous local, statewide, regional, national, and international festivals and competitions, and are known for their superior performance standards. The continued enthusiasm and support of administrators at all levels, community members, parents, and students enable the Gwinnett County Public Schools Fine Arts programs to achieve world-class standards and to remain an essential element in a complete educational program. It is the desire that each Gwinnett County Public Schools student develops his/her artistic and creative potential to the fullest.
Elementary School
Regular Instruction
Instructed by certified teaching specialists. Courses include:
- Dance
- Media Arts
- Music
- Theatre Arts
- Visual Arts
Most schools have Orff Ensembles, Choral Ensembles, Percussion Ensembles, and Art Clubs that provide an outlet for talented and motivated students. Some schools also offer band and orchestra in the upper elementary grades.
Middle School
"Connections" Classes
Instructed by certified teaching specialists. Courses include:
- Band
- Chorus
- Dance
- General Music
- Guitar
- Orchestra
- Media Arts
- Music Technology
- Piano
- Theatre Arts
- Visual Arts
High School
Fine Arts Courses
Instructed by certified teaching specialists. Courses offered at Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Mastery Levels:
- Band
- Chorus
- Dance
- Guitar
- Media Arts
- Music Technology
- Orchestra
- Piano
- Theatre Arts
- Visual Arts