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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Kindergarten Information

Welcome Kindergarten and the School Nutrition Program

  • Offering a variety of selections
  • Meeting federal nutrition standards
  • Encouraging lifelong healthy eating habits
  • Feeding young minds

Good Food and a Good Value

  • For elementary students, a student breakfast is $1.75 and a student lunch is $2.50.
  • Students who qualify for reduced-price meals pay $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch.
  • Students may also qualify for free or reduced-price meals.


How do you apply for free and reduced-price meals?

  • Request a Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application from your child’s school, or Apply Online (beginning July 15, 2024).
  • Provide all required information so your child’s application can be processed.  Incomplete information will delay the process.  
  • Allow 10 days to process the application.
  • Check your child's Application Status 
  • If you have children currently receiving free or reduced-price meals in a GCPS school, your kindergartner may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals for the first 30 days of school (through 9/16/24) while your child’s application is being processed, please fill out the Kindergarten Sibling Form


Manage Your Child’s Meals

Our School Nutrition Program is self-supporting and receives no local tax dollars. The financial health of our program depends on parents keeping accounts up to date. We encourage parents to pre-pay to ensure their child’s account always has funds to cover meals. You can pre-pay by the week, by the month, or for the entire year.


  • With MyPaymentsPlus you can make payments directly to your child’s account using the Internet.
  • If you send a check, please write your child’s full name and account number in the memo area of the check.
  • If you send cash, place the cash in a sealed envelope and write your child’s full name, Student ID number, and the amount of cash sent on the front of the envelope.
  • If you are sending money in for more than one child, include the information for each child.


Kindergarten Sibling Form 

If you have children currently receiving free or reduced-price meals in a Gwinnett County school, your kindergartner may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals for the first 30 days of school while your child’s application is processed. Please list the names of siblings currently receiving free or reduced-price meals by filling out the Kindergarten Sibling Form


This institution is an equal opportunity provider.