Jenkins Elementary School
Principal: Tameika N Turner-Haynes
12 Village Way, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
School Highlights
The following school highlights showcase how Jenkins Elementary School is fulfilling Gwinnett County Public School's four strategic priorities of Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. Visit the School Profile Dashboard to find more detailed data on our school.
- Jenkins Elementary School was awarded as a recipient of a grant that helped to form a partnership with Georgia Gwinnett College for an afterschool program, where our students were able to be transported to the college campus daily during the week to receive classes for remediation and enrichment as well as classes that provided exposure to the arts. In addition, parent engagement opportunities included financial literacy classes. This program was free of charge for 40 of our students. The program was featured locally in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution and 11 Alive News. Jenkins Elementary also partnered with a community-based organization called Building Babies Brains, which allowed us to have a school-based afterschool program for students.
- This year our kindergarten team embraced the "Joyful Learning" segment for the first 30 minutes of the day. During this time, kindergarten students are given time to engage in activities with various manipulatives and materials that foster communication, team-building, and collaboration and increase speaking opportunities through play.
- Jenkins Elementary successfully piloted the reading curriculum resource EL Education for our English Language Arts segments.
- Following the model of the School of the Arts at Central Gwinnett High School, Jenkins Elementary was the first school in the cluster to extend the Specials enrichment classes to include a Drama class for all students. The students participated in their first performance along with the chorus club during the fall semester.
- Jenkins continued to integrate Gwinnett's Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM) and has trained teachers to support students in building reading comprehension, vocabulary, phonemic (letter sound) awareness, phonics, and fluency strategies. This model of instruction supports small groups in a layered, vertical literacy approach for children in grades K–5 and provides a strategy of continuous quality improvement as we dove into the Science of Reading.
- Our clubs included our new Drone club, the Robotics Club, Peer Leadership Club, Science Club, Chorus, Girls on the Run, Junior Beta Club, and Art Club.
- "Black Knights" events highlighted student learning across the content areas through Literacy Night, Math Night, Fine Arts/Technology, and International Nights which were all well-attended events.
- Jenkins Elementary brought our dancing shoes from the community to the school as we held our 1st annual Black Knight Sneaker Ball. It was an amazing event for our staff and families.
- During the spring semester, we held our second annual drive-through Honor Roll Ceremony for Honor Students and families and school-based award ceremonies for each grade level.
- Throughout the year, we celebrated the beauty and the richness of diversity at Jenkins Elementary by having events that highlighted our cultures, such as but not exclusive to Hispanic Heritage Month, Winter Holidays around the World, Diwali, recognition of Ramadan, Black History Month, Women's History Month, Asian- Pacific Islanders History Month—our International Night showcased over twenty countries for which our students are represented. We are indeed better due to our cultural richness.
- Jenkins Elementary is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. PBIS encourages positive behaviors with recognition for students who exhibit appropriate school conduct.